Without our most valued volunteers, we would not be able to provide hot meals and clothing to over a thousand hungry people each week.
We welcome all who are interested in serving our less fortunate neighbors by volunteering their time in support of our kitchen. We not only need volunteers to work in our kitchens, but we need cooks, kitchen managers and people willing to work behind the scenes supporting our many projects.
Volunteers to the kitchens arrive between 8:00 and 8:30 to help prepare and serve meals and clean up afterward, usually leaving by 1:30 p.m on days that our kitchens are open (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday). You can also choose to just help cook and prepare the meals from 8:00am to 10:30am — OR — come at 10:30am to 1:30pm to help serve and clean up. You can volunteer at one or more than one kitchen every week.
Behind-the-scenes volunteers can volunteer hours at their convenience.

If you’re interested in volunteering, please contact us using the form below! Or to give in other ways, consider donating clothing to Carol’s Closet, or giving financially here, or giving financially through our secure paypal link.
Kitchen Opportunities:
We have a strong need to expand our volunteer base for all duties at all of our kitchens. Thank you for your interest and please invite your friends and neighbors!
- Lead or backup cook
- Food preparation (under the direction of the cook)
- Serving food
- Waiting on guests
- Setup and distribution of groceries to guests after lunch service
- Setup and distribution of slightly worn clothes and housewares to guests
- Setup and teardown of dining areas
- Kitchen or backup kitchen manager I prefer to work behind the scenes (jump to section below to choose duties)

We have a very strong need for behind-the-scenes work. If you are unable to volunteer with our kitchens during the week, we have a variety of administrative tasks where we could use your help! If you know anyone who wants to help us in this way, please have them contact us. Thank you!
- Create small note cards with positive messages
- Help generate new corporate sponsors
- Assist with Fundraisers – work with Fundraiser chairperson
- Assist with Grant Writing Activities
- Consider becoming a member of our Board of Directors
- Become a picker of collectibles & small antiques for Red Barn
- Contact local churches for support
- Co-ordinate a can food drive via following specific directions
- Contact people to become a GEM (Give Every Month) Donor
- Any special projects that Carol’s Kitchen might have
- Help stuff envelopes for mailings & seal newsletters
- Help in warehouse – sorting, inventory items etc.
Get in touch…